How are u ladies ??!??!?!?!

I went to The curve last Sunday and found some toy that works really cool on me hehehe

welllllll..... do u wanna know what is that ?!?!?!

Okay..Its a sponge curler !!!! really work???? good or bad???? ...

here is ur answer !!!

Curl ur hair in 15 mins

more or less...up to u

This is the sponge curler that I'm talking about.....

1 set got 3 curlers ( pink blue yellow )

I bought 4 set for myself from DAISO,The Curve

Here teaching u how to use it : Japanese & English language

U can start from wash ur hair and blow it dry first ....but i washed mine the night before so i lazy to wash it again !?!?! my hair not really straight as u can see it in this photo

Rolling..Rolling...Rolling..... hehhehe all over ur head

15 mins has passed .... + make up myself while waiting it hehehe


ready to go out.... XD

See you next post *

ps* there are a few types of this sponge curler in DAISO...u can check it out !!!


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